AICS is well-equipped with the expertise and experience to make a significant contribution to addressing the Education gap in Afghanistan, particularly in women’s education. Through initiatives like National Civil Society Week (NCSW) and (SEECA), AICS has established a strong network with NGOs/CSOs across the country. The E-learning courses and peer-to-peer learning facilities provided by DCOP empower individuals and organizations to develop and refine their skills and knowledge, equipping them to address the unique challenges faced in the Afghan context. This fosters a strong community of sharing and collaboration, enhancing the effectiveness and impact of their work. Their pioneering approach to blending learning in Civil society, combining in-person training, workshops, and mentorship sessions with impactful E-learning content, has left a lasting impression on member organizations and the overall Civic space. With the support of Education Advisors, AICS is poised to play a vital role in advancing Afghanistan’s National Education system toward sustainability and resilience.

AICS’s multifaceted approach, spanning from digital learning and capacity building to policy influence and collaboration, significantly contributes to the enhancement of education in Afghanistan. AICS’s expertise in conducting thorough assessments of community Education needs, identifying gaps, and understanding their specific requirements, facilitating collaboration with local stakeholders, engage with local leaders, teachers, parents, and community members to build partnerships and empower Shuras in managing schools. AICS holds the expertise to utilize its proven expertise in designing flexible and relevant curriculum that addresses the unique needs and challenges of Community based Education (CBE), especially the Alternative Learning classes (ALC) to graduate capacitated students to measure up to the lost educational years. AICS can provide comprehensive training to Teachers on CBE, driven by years of community-level expertise and contextual needs also the capacity enhancement experience. Monitoring and Evaluation which is a vital element to substantial progress is how AICS has relied upon to enhance the capacity of numerous Grassroot organizations relevant to Education AICS holds the expertise to layout mechanisms adaptable to the CBE needs to evaluate the local shuras contribution and the entire unplaced system’s competency and applicability to achieve the intended progress. Considering the aforementioned information that details AICS’s potential as it has the objective of conducting CBS and ALC classes successfully in Afghanistan.