Capacity Building
AICS increases the relevance and effectiveness of capacity building services to Afghan CSOs through systemizing capacity building efforts for Afghan CSOs by coordinating and harmonizing capacity building initiatives.

Internal Exposure Visit
AICS conducted two cross-learning events for CSOs that are interested and exploring possibilities of applying for certification. The objectives of the events were to discuss, exchange ideas, increase CSOs organizational performance and to promote the work of certified CSOs. In the first event, ten representatives of certified and non-certified CSOs from Takhar, Nangarhar, Herat, Paktia, and Kabul provinces discussed the merit and benefit of certification program. In the second event, human resources, governance, strategic planning, communications and outreach, and financial management benchmarks were presented and discussed by AICS certified CSOs. Overall, 19 CSOs benefited from these events.
CSOs’ Capacity Needs Information Sessions
To increase CSOs’ access to efficient, quality and relevant capacity building opportunities through coordinating and harmonizing capacity building services, Afghanistan Institute for Civil Society conducts Information Sessions on CSOs Capacity Needs for representative of donors, INGOs, and CSOs on a quarterly basis. The session discusses the persistent gaps, and strengths of those CSOs that were assessed through AICS’ certification program. Furthermore, the event provides an opportunity for stakeholders to interact, understand and suggest ways forward to strengthen CSOs’ capacity in areas such as governance, project management, financial management, communication, and human resource management.

Certified CSOs Working Group
Established in 2017, AICS certified CSOs’ Working Group is a network of AICS certified CSOs that aims to increase effectiveness of these organizations by connecting and engaging them with civil society stakeholders to have continuous and meaningful interaction, engage in cross-learning and networking, and create opportunities for forging partnerships. The Working Group meets annually while its Steering Committee meets every quarter. In 2018, the certified CSOs Working Group meetings were attended by 46 CSOs. The meetings discussed various themes relevant to civil society including mechanisms to increase cooperation among certified CSOs and their constituencies.
Policy Reference Manuals
During the assessment of CSOs under its Certification program and analysis of key findings, AICS observed that a considerable number of CSOs require assistance in the development of policies for various organizational functions. In order to address this need, AICS has prepared generic set of policy reference manuals in key management functions adapted to internal organizational culture, values, context and structure. With an aim to strengthen the management of CSOs, the policy reference manuals/ guidebook developed will be made available to CSOs openly for public good.