Newsletter July- September 2018

Newsletter July- September 2018

Empowerment Organization (Nangarhar), Industrial and
Social Services Organization (Takhar), Women and Youths
for Peace and Development Organization (Kunduz),
Cooperation for Social Improvement Organization
(Baghlan), Afghan Landmine Survivors’ Organization
(Kabul), Organization for Social Support for Women and
Children (Baghlan), Organization for Better Tomorrow in
Afghanistan (Bamyan), and Organization for Research and
Skills Training for Women (Nangarhar) participated in this
visit. On the first day, the objectives of this visit was
shared with the participants.

  • Published On 2018 Nov 29

Second Quarter Newsletter (Apr-Jun.) 2018

Second Quarter Newsletter (Apr-Jun.) 2018

AICS conducted the Certified CSOs’ Steering Committee meeting on April 11, 2018. At the beginning, Mr.
Stanikzai, AICS New Executive Director, was introduced to the participants. Then, the previous meeting minute
and action points were reviewed. Also, the participants were updated on AICS National Civil Society Week,
CSOs internal exposure visit, and some other relevant issues.

  • Published On 2018 July 8

first Quarter Newsletter (Jan-March.) 2018

first Quarter Newsletter (Jan-March.) 2018

AICS conducted an event for the launch of its new policy brief on "Coordi-nation among CSOs". Around 35 representatives of CSOs, academia, media and government par-ticipated in this event. Dr. Azizurrahman Tasal, Di-rector of Policy Engagement Department, gave a presentation about this policy brief, its findings and recommendations. The participants took active participation by asking questions

  • Published On 2019 April 8