AICS Fourth Quarter Newsletter (October- Dec.) 2017

AICS Fourth Quarter Newsletter (October- Dec.) 2017

Afghanistan Institute for Civil Society (AICS) convened a thematic roundtable on "Image and Credibility of CSOs in Public" on 8th November in Badakhshan province. The event was attended by 52 (27 female & 25 male) senior government officials, academics, prominent civil society and media activists. During this roundtable, participants shared their views about current image and credibility of CSOs among people, analyzed the issue from different di-mensions and shared a set of suggestions/recommendations for improving CSOs image and credibility among their respective communities. This roundtable commenced with opening remarks of Mr. Aziz Tasal, AICS Director of Policy Engagement. He wel-comed the participants and described the purpose and agenda of the program. Afterwards, Mr. Tasal rendered a comprehensive presentation on The State of Enabling Envi-ronment for CSOs i

  • Published On 2017 Dec 30

Third Quarter Newsletter (July – September) 2017

Third Quarter Newsletter (July – September) 2017

Organization for Research and Community
Development (ORCD) – a certified CSO of AICS – has
been making a difference in the lives of the local
Afghan communities since its inception in 2011. The
organization was managing projects with
rudimentary and corrupt management systems and
procedures with centralized operational capabilities
and fluid boundaries. Over six years of operational
history, ORCD has implemented a variety of
community development projects in field of
education, health, rural development, women
empowerment and agriculture.

  • Published On 2019 January 8

Second Quarter Newsletter (Apr- June) 2017

Second Quarter Newsletter (Apr- June) 2017

AICS developed, printed and distributed
directory of certified CSOs of 500 copies in
English and Dari languages. The directory was
distributed to 15 certified CSOs as of May 2017
and were also sent to donors, INGOs,
government and other key stakeholders.

  • Published On 2017 July 8

First Quarter Newsletter (Jan- March) 2017

First Quarter Newsletter (Jan- March) 2017

Afghanistan Institute for Civil Society (AICS), the
British and Irish Agencies Afghanistan Group
(BAAG) and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
organized a Roundtable Discussion entitled:
Towards Stability and Prosperity: Supporting
the growth of a vibrant civil society in
Afghanistan on February, 21, 2017 at the
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in

  • Published On 2017 April 08